
During Fogging Operations:
  • Remain indoors when fogging takes place in your neighborhood.
  • People who suffer from chemical sensitivities or feel fogging could aggravate a preexisting health condition should consult their doctor or local health department and take special measures to avoid exposure.
  • Close windows and doors and turn off your air conditioning (or set it to circulate indoor air) when fogging is taking place in the immediate area.
  • Do not let children play near or behind truck-mounted applicators when they are in use. Keep children inside during fogging and for about one hour after fogging truck(s) leave the area.
  • Bring pets inside and cover ornamental fish ponds to avoid direct exposure. Consult your doctor if you think you are experiencing health effects from the fogging.
  • More information about pesticides can be found here on the EPA’s Web site.
To protect yourself from mosquito bites, the Town of Severance recommends the following precautions:
  • Choose a mosquito repellent that has been proven to be effective against West Nile Virus-carrying mosquitoes. Ones that contain DEET, Picaridin, Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus (with active ingredient PMD, or p-menthane diol) or IR3535 are known to be effective.
  • Keep exposed skin covered or use a repellent when out at prime Culex mosquito-biting hours; between dusk and dawn.
  • Drain standing water in your yard or in your garden.
  • Add mosquito-eating minnows to or a mosquito “dunk” to ornamental ponds that feature still water.
  • Keep window screens repaired.

Please visit Vector Disease Control for information regarding the pesticides used during these spraying/fogging operations.