A Great Place To Do Business

With the explosive growth in residential development comes a need for new businesses. Commercially zoned land, accommodating to both retail and office, is available now at competitive prices for a variety of businesses including restaurants, retail, personal service shops and salons, automotive repair, real estate services, banks, self-storage, and child daycare. If you are looking for a growing community with an eager local customer base, easy commercial building opportunities, and friendly residents, you’ve found it in Severance!

Community Snapshot

  • Population: ~11,500 
  • Number of Households: ~4,300
  • Median Household Income: $121,047
  • Per Capita Income: $41,146
  • Median Home Value: $499,000
  • Diversity Index: 46.1
  • Median Age: 35.5
  • Unemployment Rate: 4%
  • Labor Force: 5,222
  • HS+ Graduate Rate: 95.5%
  • Sales Tax Rate: 3.0%
  • Town Mill Levy Rate: 12.635